Some years ago I moved to France for personal reasons. Very soon I started to discover that the funniest activity to do in this country is to look at French and discover how good and famous they think they are.
Personally, as an Italian, I find that my country is much more interesting to visit and that Rome is much more worth a visit than Paris. Why? Go through this site and find it out by yourself!
I will therefore not hesitate to publish funny things on this pompous country and on the people who live there, and to publicise my discoveries to the whole world. No sorting order whatsoever. I'll just follow my instinct, describing events as I remember them and taking inspirations from everyday life.
If you are French and you are not humble enough to accept comments or critics on your country, then leave this page before starting to get hurt. If you want you can leave your comments too, but, please, don't be vulgar, or I'll cut them off.

2 Mar 2008

Marion Cotillard Uncut

Typical example of French superiority: they say they know anything.

And Marion Cottillard, the actress who recently played the role of Edith Piaf, gave a show off by saying that the world got all false! She suggested that there was no landing on the moon and no real 9/11 disaster...

Thank you for showing us this american-driven conspiracy, Marion! Luckily French are there to show us the way...
Can I smile now?


Anonymous said...

Here's the VIDEO with the interview to Marion Cotillard by Paris Premiere:

Go to 10m18s...

Emigré said...

And in any case in France it will be no easy for english-speaking people to be understood.

When visiting France, remember that their level of english knowledge is incredibily low, even between young or well-educated people...

I thought that Italy had a problem with english, but, compared to Frenchies, we are proficient.

Furthermore French have a awful accent when speaking foreigner languages! Look at these videos:
